Geographical Chapter List

Chapters by City

The BNI Arizona region has over 80 chapters located in the Phoenix Valley and Northern Arizona. You can select the links below to find out more about each individual chapter.


 Showcase Chapter. These chapters demonstrate excellence in running the BNI system and bringing value to their members. The region sends applicants for forming chapters to these chapters to see what BNI can do for them and give them a vision for running their own chapter.

 Chapters with these icons gave referrals closing in business revenues of $1 million+ during the past 12 months. The badge shows the number of whole millions in closed business passed by chapter members.

Chapter Size Recognition: Earned when chapter has held a recognition level of membership for three months in a row. Status is recognized until the chapter remains below the recognition level for six months or drops more than 10 members below the recognition level.

 Gold Chapter - 40+ Members

 Platinum Chapter - 50+ Members

 Titanium Chapter - 75+ Members D

 Diamond Chapter - 100+ Members


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